Judging the Charter

The Charter in judicial practise with a special focus on the case of protection of refugees and asylum seekers

Judicial Trainer’s Guidance Note. To be read in conjunction with: An Introduction to the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) for Courts and Tribunals A Judicial Analysis


This material was produced by the International Association of Refugee Law Judges European Chapter (IARLJ-Europe) under contract to EASO.

With the purpose of supporting quality and harmonising decisions made by courts and tribunals in asylum cases across the EU, and in line with the mandate contained in the founding Regulation, EASO provides two-fold training support for members of courts and tribunals in EU+ States that includes the development and publication of professional development materials as well as the organisation of professional development activities. An Introduction to the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) for Courts and Tribunals - A Judicial Analysis is one of the chapters of these materials.

To further understanding of the materials, EASO organises workshops to provide future Judicial Trainers at national level with an in-depth overview of the chapter as well as the methodology suggested for the organisation of workshops. This Judicial Trainer’s Guidance Note supports the consistent and coherent use of the chapter in professional development activities to be organised at national level. Therefore, it should be read and understood only in conjunction with the chapter. It introduces the objectives and aims of the professional development sessions to Judicial Trainers as well as illustrating some tools at their disposal when conducting an efficient professional development meeting. It also suggests different case studies that may be used.
