Judging the Charter

The Charter in judicial practise with a special focus on the case of protection of refugees and asylum seekers

Legal documents

The Charter has the importance of primary law and hierarchically stands over all acts of secondary law. Subsequently, it reinforces the necessity of interpreting EU law including secondary law in light of fundamental rights. What this means in practice is that a provision of EU legislation or national law that is implementing EU law is invalid if it breaches the EU Charter.

In this section of the website we will try to present an overview of a number of legislative measures adopted which are relevant for the Charter of Fundamental Rights, including in the area of asylum and migration.

Legal documents are linked to the relevant Articles of the Charter and relevant case law as well as with exercises, case studies and other training materials when developed.

This section does not aim at being exhaustive, but rather focuses on those legal sources that have been relevant for either case law or training materials presented.

Asylum and Migration
Criminal Justice
Data protection
Procedural Rights
Legal documents with no specific field

Related Case Laws

O., S. and L.

Related Case Laws


Related E-Learning

Case Study - Family Name